Other radios based on the same chassis:
Frequency Bands: 8
General Construction Notes for Akrad Radio Corporation Ltd:
Akrad sets often consist of 3 (or 4) numbers (eg: 518, 1059) or number-letter-number (5M4), and a common pattern exists for these sets: The first digit(or 2 digits in the case of 10-or-more valves) is the number of valves, the second is the number of bands and the third is the last digit of the year. Where the middle digit is a letter rather than a number it generally refers to the type of set - M for mantle, P for portable, G from radiogram etc
Often sets can be dated by the speaker, as many Akrad sets from the Pye era have the date of manufacture stamped on the back of the magnet housing.
1953 | Pacific (Post-WWII) model 583 |
1953 | Atwater-Kent (Akrad) model 583 |